We aim to embolden, enliven, energize, and empower individuals and communities by making movement, dance, yoga, and mindfulness inclusive and accessible to every body.
We bring our classes to you: by teaching at your schools, workplaces, events, senior living facilities, hospitals, yoga studios, and anywhere you are. We aim to meet our students where they are and lift them beyond their expectations.
Teachings are inspired by various influences including: the methodologies & techniques of the National Dance Institute, yoga & Ayurveda, dance & movement as creative expression, and early childhood & elementary education. The staff of Aim Beyond consists of experienced professional educators and musicians. Themes are woven into the classes and are inspired by social-emotional learning, children’s literature, and an ever-evolving creative curriculum. Most Aim Beyond classes are enriched by live music.
Aim Beyond offers a variety of classes to its hometown of Paducah, Kentucky, and also through collaborations and parnterships throughout the country.
Locally, we have partnered with and taught classes at the Oscar Cross Boys and Girls Club, McNabb Elementary, True North Yoga, Marquette Transportation, Clark Elementary, and The Merryman House.
Nationwide, we have served as a Guest Teaching Artist for the National Dance Institute of New Mexica, Youth Power 365, The Vail Dance Festival, Celebrate the Beat, and Camp Merveilles. For a detailed description and list, check out our Artistic Projects tab.
THE RESIDENCY MODEL: How it Can Work In a School!
We traditionally serve at least one entire grade during an Aim Beyond residency. Depending on the number of classes in a grade, there may be the option to serve multiple grades during the same residency. Each individual class within the grade(s) attends its own specific Aim Beyond class during the same timeframe of each visit.
Ideally, classes are held during the regular school day with the classroom teacher in attendance. Classroom teachers are asked to participate in the way they feel most comfortable: by dancing and moving along with their students or by being active observers during class. A clear and quiet space for class helps to ensure a safe and successful experience for all.
Our classes are inclusive, and every child is expected to participate as part of the team. Consent forms are sent home to be signed by guardians and include a description and outline of the program. All abilities are not only welcomed but encouraged.
All programming can be uniquely designed and customized for your school community. A conversation between Aim Beyond staff with school administrators and teachers will determine the age groups, grades, classes, and schedules that are decided upon so that we may best serve the needs of your school.
Class Duration:
Grades 3rd and up class duration is traditionally 40-55 minutes
Grades Pre K-2 class duration is traditionally 30ish minutes
Residency Timeframe Options:
1-Week Model: Aim Beyond teaches each group every day for one week with a culminating celebration on the 5th day.
2-Week Model: Aim Beyond teaches each group every day for one week with a culminating celebration on the 10th day.
3-Week Model: Aim Beyond teaches each group every day for one week with a culminating celebration on the 10th day.
15-Weeks: Aim Beyond teaches each group one day a week for 15 weeks with a culminating celebration on the 15th day.
30-Weeks: Aim Beyond teaches each group one day a week for 15 weeks with a culminating celebration on the 30th day.
Culmination Celebrations & Performances (for the Whole Sha-Bang option)
Residencies can culminate in a performance for the student body as well as a separate performance for friends and families.
Live Music
Social Emotional Learning
Emphasis on teaching the whole child
Inclusive, encouraging, and safe environment
High expectations of all students
Improved self-esteem and confidence
Gross motor skills and coordination
Reflection and observation skills
Physical endurance, stamina, and flexibility are increased
Student collaboration and mentoring
Persistence, patience, and a striving to achieve excellence
Every child has the opportunity to shine
Curricular themes are woven into every class
Curricular themes: Visual Arts, Rivers of the World, Healthy Body~Healthy Mind, Pollinators, Under the Sea, Motown, Across the Universe,
Fabulous Flight, Dr. Suess, The Power of Persistence, and sooooooo many more!
Literary Inspiration: Our library consists of children’s books for all ages representing diverse authors and illustrators spanning every topic and genre imaginable!